I love books by Peter H. Reynolds! This time of year I can relate to Leo in the book So Few of Me. My list just keeps growing and growing. Trying to manage getting a classroom ready, learning the curriculum of a new grade level, keeping up with my blog, training for a marathon and taxiing my youngest daughter to her 3 day a week soccer practices an hour and fifteen minutes away is about to get the best of me!! Obviously, I've had to cut back on the blogging. I'm hoping once school is in full swing, the marathon is over and soccer season is long gone I can get into a normal pattern. Unfortunately, that will be October!! My classroom is looking wonderful (pictures to come soon)! I have at least the first day planned and ready (students come back on Tuesday)! The marathon is 58 days away (today's 17 mile run started at 5:00 am and took 3 hours). I really can't do much about the soccer. My daughter outgrew our local soccer program.

I LOVE this book! :)
Teaching With Style